Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Science, Technology and Innovation (funded by CSIRO)
The Fulbright-CSIRO Distinguished Chair in Science, Technology and Innovation will conduct innovative scientific research related to critical challenges facing the U.S. and Australia. During their term (5-6 months), the Chair will work on a specific research project aligned with priority areas of research for CSIRO that will lead to ongoing collaborative partnerships between Australia and the U.S. The Chair will also be expected to engage in outreach and networking activities within CSIRO and across the Australian Innovation system through occasional guest lectures, seminars and/or community interactions.
CSIRO will consider proposals to conduct research in areas that are aligned to our strategic research directions. Candidates must identify a CSIRO Business Unit to host their research visit, from the following:
- Food and Agriculture
- Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness
- Data61
- Energy
- Health and Biosecurity
- Land and Water
- Manufacturing
- Minerals Resources
- National Collections and Marine Infrastructure
- Oceans and Atmosphere
- Space and Astronomy
Projects that are relevant to more than one Business Unit are encouraged, but a Primary host Business Unit must be identified.
Scholarship Eligibility
Specific to this award:
- Must include a Letter of Invitation from CSIRO with the application
- Must be at associate or full professor level with relevant disciplinary experience
General criteria for all Fulbright Awards:
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must not be a dual citizen of Australia
- Must be residing in U.S. at the time of application
- Must not have already commenced this degree or project in Australia
Scholarship Entitlements
- A monthly stipend for a maximum of 6 months (minimum 5 months)
- Accommodation allowance for a maximum of 6 months (minimum 5 months)
- Generous international travel entitlement
- Travel allowance for an Australian lecture tour
- Eligibility to apply for coverage under Australian Medicare (Scholar only)
- A limited Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) Health Benefits Plan, designed by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Seven Corners, Inc. Please note this plan is NOT an insurance policy.
- Support from the Fulbright Commission to assist with administration, visas and general enquiries.
- Dependents of scholars who will be enrolled in the Australian public school system in grades K-12 may have tuition fees waived.
- Orientation and networking opportunities.
- Support from the Commission prior to and during program.
For details on entitlements please click ‘Apply Now’ below.
CSIRO is Australia’s national science research agency. At CSIRO, we solve the greatest challenges using innovative science and technology. We are one of the largest and most diverse scientific research organisations in the world. Our research focuses on the biggest challenges facing our nation.
The Fulbright-CSIRO Distinguished Chair in Science, Technology and Innovation will conduct innovative scientific research related to critical challenges facing the U.S. and Australia. During their term (5-6 months), the Chair will work on a specific research project aligned with priority areas of research for CSIRO that will lead to ongoing collaborative partnerships between Australia and the U.S. The Chair will also be expected to engage in outreach and networking activities within CSIRO and across the Australian Innovation system through occasional guest lectures, seminars and/or community interactions.
Contact Information
To request a letter of invitation from CSIRO, you can:
- Contact your CSIRO contacts and colleagues to discuss joint research interests and a potential research visit (preferred) OR
- If you do not already have a contact at CSIRO, the CSIRO Research Office will forward your expression of interest to relevant research teams to consider. Send the following to ro@csiro.au:
- Your CV
- A brief outline of your research proposal (1/2 page maximum)
- Name of the CSIRO Business Unit most relevant to host your visit
- Name of the specific research group or person you propose to visit (if known)
- Preferred CSIRO site, if any. (NB: CSIRO has over 50 sites across Australia).
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Outreach and Recruitment
Jaclyn Assarian, Outreach and Recruitment Specialist via (202) 326-7700, eastasiapacific@iie.org
Fulbright Team
Please contact the Fulbright scholarships team for any queries related to entitlements or application processes via fulbright@fulbright.org.au
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