Fulbright Don DeBats Distinguished Chair in Politics and Public Policy (funded by Flinders University)
The Fulbright Don DeBats Distinguished Chair in Politics and Public Policy (funded by Flinders University) is designed to attract full or associate U.S. professors with distinguished academic careers and significant publication and teaching records, to conduct collaborative research for 4–5 months at Flinders University, housed within the Jeff Bleich Centre for Democracy and Disruptive Technologies (JBC).
At JBC, the Distinguished Chair will be affiliated with the College of Business, Government and Law. They will also be encouraged to associate with the Government Discipline and the JBC.
We are looking for research that relates to one or more of the three areas of focus of the Jeff Bleich Centre: (1) Democracy, Participation, and Human Rights; (2) Defence, Security, and Space; (3) Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Disruptive Technologies.
Applicants will propose projects that contributes to an advancement of the main research themes of the JBC:
- Democracy, Participation and Human Rights;
- Defence, Security and Space; and
- Artificial Intelligence, Social Media and Disruptive Technologies.
Scholarship Eligibility
Specific to this award:
- Must include a Letter of Invitation from Flinders University with the application
- Must be at associate or full professor level with relevant disciplinary experience
General criteria for all Fulbright Awards:
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must not be a dual citizen of Australia
- Must be residing in U.S. at the time of application
- Must not have already commenced this degree or project in Australia
Scholarship Entitlements
- A monthly stipend for a maximum of 5 months (minimum 4 months)
- Accommodation allowance for a maximum of 5 months (minimum 4 months)
- International travel entitlement
- Travel allowance for an Australian lecture tour
- Eligibility to apply for coverage under Australian Medicare (Scholar only)
- A limited Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) Health Benefits Plan, designed by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Seven Corners, Inc. Please note this plan is NOT an insurance policy
- Support from the Fulbright Commission to assist with administration, visas and general enquiries.
- Dependents of scholars who will be enrolled in the Australian public school system in grades K-12 may have tuition fees waived.
- Orientation and networking opportunities.
- Support from the Commission prior to and during program.
For details on entitlements please click ‘Apply Now’ below.
Contact Information
Flinders University
Please contact Rodrigo Praino from Flinders University via rodrigo.praino@flinders.edu.au to discuss projects and obtain the required letter.
For any queries related to entitlements or application processes please contact:
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Outreach and Recruitment
Jaclyn Assarian, Outreach and Recruitment Specialist, via (202) 326-7700, eastasiapacific@iie.org
Fulbright Team
Please contact the Fulbright scholarships team for any queries related to entitlements or application processes via fulbright@fulbright.org.au
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