Enrichment Opportunities

East Asia Pacific Regional Travel Program

The Fulbright East Asia & Pacific Regional Travel Program, funded by the East Asia Pacific Fulbright Office at ECA, offers local institutions, posts and commissions the opportunity to benefit from the academic and professional expertise of Fulbright Senior Scholars based in another country within the East Asia & Pacific region (Australia, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam). Visiting Fulbright Senior Scholars may wish to present lectures, present graduate or faculty seminars, undertake curriculum advising, public lectures and/or panel presentations.

Past Recipients of Regional Travel Grants in the East Asia Pacific.

If you wish to read the Regional Travel Program guidelines, or download the application or report forms click here.

Fulbright Specialist Program

This page is for Australian institutions only. U.S. Specialists kindly refer to the Specialist Roster

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) supports Australian educational institutions through grants to bring U.S. Specialists in selected disciplines to Australia for a period ranging between two and six weeks. The aim of the FSP grant is to assist Australian educational institutions to exchange expertise and build collaborative linkages with U.S. faculty and professionals on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of other activities. For example, the Specialist may:

  • Develop and/or assess academic curricula or educational materials;
  • Take part in specialised academic programs and conferences;
  • Conduct needs assessments, surveys, and institutional or programmatic research;
  • Consult with administrators and instructors of post-secondary institutions on faculty development;
  • Present lectures at graduate and undergraduate levels;
  • Participate in or lead seminars or workshops. In accordance with the Fulbright Program’s aim of promoting mutual understanding between Australia and the U.S. the Specialist may also have the opportunity to participate in activities organised by the U.S. Embassy in Australia, the Australian-American Fulbright Commission and the Australian Fulbright Alumni Association.

Past Recipients of Fulbright Specialist Grants.

Among other criteria, competitive applications will show:

  • Clearly defined objectives, rationale and expected outcomes of the project
  • High synergy between the specialist’s profile and the project
  • The expected impact of this visit for the host institution, disciplinary or professional field, and the broader community
  • The potential of the visit for the securing of long-term, collaborative links between Australia and the U.S. in the field

Applications open 1 July and close 30 September.

If you wish to learn more about the Fulbright Specialist Program, or download the application or report forms click here.