Fulbright Future Scholarships – Scholar
For academics (at Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor or Full Professorial level) and mid-career professionals (with an undergraduate qualification and minimum 10 years work experience) to undertake research at one institute/university in the United States. This award supports a 4-month position.
Who can apply?
Fulbright Future Scholarships are open to applications for Australian candidates who satisfy the following criteria.
- Must have an associate or full professorship, or an undergraduate qualification and minimum 10 years work experience for professional applicants
- Should aim to create, contribute to, or otherwise enhance Australian-American bilateral research collaborations
- Must include an additional statement separate from their project statement (maximum of one page) that outlines the potential impact of their proposed program on the lives, health, livelihoods or prosperity of Australians
- All applicants are required to include a letter of invitation from their proposed (maximum one) institution with their application
Please see the APPLICANT INFORMATION page for general information regarding Fulbright qualities, eligibility requirements, award conditions, interview processes and our FAQ PAGE for answers to commonly asked questions.
What disciplines are supported by the Fulbright Future Scholarships?
- Health Sciences excluding Psychiatry, Dentistry, General Practice, Psychology, and Fitness
- Natural Sciences
- Earth Science
- Life Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Formal Sciences
- Computer Science
- Statistics, including Artificial Intelligence, Biostatistics, and Statistical Modelling
- Systems Science
- Professions and Applied Sciences
- Agriculture excluding Animal Husbandry, Beekeeping, Agrology, Entomology, Enology
- Engineering
- Mining
Please note the following disciplines are not supported: Public Health, Public Policy, Law, and Business.
What is considered ‘Impact’?
To qualify for the Future Scholarships program, applicants should highlight the potential impact of their proposed research/ study in their additional statement separate from their project statement. ‘Impact’ may be defined as;
- Significant advancement of new technologies, techniques, or other novel research with potential for practical outcomes
- Tangible effect, benefit, or outcome for Australian society
- Creation of enduring bilateral commercial or research partnerships with potential for significant growth
- Novel approaches to medical treatment or rehabilitation
- Potential for job-creation
Benefits include:
- A monthly stipend for 4 months based on the cost of living in the city of the host institution
- Round-trip, economy class airfare directly to and from the scholar’s home city and the city of the host institution (capped at AUD$4,000)
- Dependent allowance (if applicable) one-time payment
- ASPE medical insurance of up to A$100,000 (for the scholar only)
- Orientation and enrichment opportunities – in Australia and the U.S. with other international Fulbright scholars
- Access to a professional network of distinguished Australian and American Fulbright Alumni
- Ongoing assistance from the Commission with visas, enrichment opportunities and pastoral care
- Media and publicity support
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